Sono passati tre anni da quando il primo iPad stato venduto e dopo di lui alcune decine di milioni di pezzi lo hanno seguito.
Mi ricordo benissimo quando Steve Jobs lo presentò al mondo e la mia prima reazione fu di diffidenza, mi chiedevo infatti cosa me ne sarei fatto di un’iPhone da 10″ pollici che per giunta non poteva nemmeno telefonare? Poi però ho avuto occasione di toccarlo con mano e utilizzarlo per qualche minuto in un Apple Store e mi ha subito conquistato e contemporaneamente stava conquistando milioni di persone in tutto il mondo, come testimonia questa simpatica galleria di immagini di Cult Of Mac.
The Pope does all his pope-ing from an iPad.
Prince Charles totes loves his.
Even Obama runs his empire from his iPad.
And Spike Lee uses his to take pics of Obama.
Hell, if it’s good enough for Oprah, it’s good enough for everyone, right?
That’s why the iPad can do all kinds of crazy stuff, like being used in space.
Or presenting winners at the Grammys.
It also moonlights as a robot.
And makes your vintage Macintosh look cool again.
You can cram it inside an iBook.
Or mount it inside your car’s dashboard.
It makes a great cash register for hipsters
You can use it to DJ.
Or bust out a wicked guitar solo.
You can even use it to take a picture of a guy performing a guitar solo.
The fashion world has been ambushed by the iPad’s classiness.
And it will potty train your kids for you too.
It’s useful in the kitchen.
It’s a totally rad skateboard.
Plus, it’s a gentleman and will hold doors open for you.
If you’re rich, you can buy a solid gold iPad.
Or use the iPad to protest rich people with golden iPads.
Just don’t give your iPad to your cat.
Or your dog.
But if all else fails, you can beat the shit out of it and say it’s “art.”
Best of all, the iPad is 100% edible.
Buon Compleanno iPad, ti amano proprio tutti!
Via | Cult of Mac
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